Artist Statement:
In my abstract paintings, I like to evoke feelings of freedom, liveliness and transformation.
Through hyper color contrast and dynamic composition, I try to create movement and instability on my canvas. I thrive on spontaneity, and value adaptability and flexibility. I have developed two styles of painting: impressionistic and non-representational abstract. I almost never use a paint brush and work almost solely with painting knives and other tools like squeegees. Armed with my fancy squeegee and various painting knives, I like to create colorful imaginary landscapes in oil, acrylic or watercolor.
I was born and raised in France but my father was from Nicaragua, a country I have visited numerous times. I presently live in Washington, DC.
I started painting in May 2018. I had never painted before. I learned to work with oils, acrylic and watercolors mostly by watching youtube tutorials and reading about color theory and experimenting with different media and styles. I painted part time while teaching math at American University and Montgomery College until December 2021.
January 2022 is when I started my journey as full time professional painter. I believe that since the beginning of 2022, because of the ability to paint every single day, I have made tremendous progress in my painting skills. I look forward to continuing and sharing this journey of inward and outward exploration.
Some recent achievements:
- The French embassy through its local organization, Washington Accueil, has invited me to show 10 paintings at their location on Reservoir Rd in Washington, DC. Article here.
- The international fashion retailer SHEIN's sub luxury brand MOTF has created CHECA ART designed dresses. The beautiful collection contains a variety of garments with CHECA a ART florals taken from the four paintings: Coquelicots, Purple Range, Flowers by the Sea and Blue Irises.
This a video of the 2024 Maria-Victoria Checa Art Collection:
- The painting Fairy's Cove was commissioned by Kevin Barry Art Advisory for the living room of the Chicago Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
- Grayson Living is distributing the painting Red Poppy throughout the United States as a 40" x 40" framed print on canvas. Grayson Living, based in Beverly Hills, CA, is "The Best Place To Shop For Luxury Home Furnishings".
- TJ MAX is currently distributing throughout the US the paintings Wild Flowers Meadow and Poppy Field as framed prints on canvas.
- Rozee.living wrote up a beautiful blog about my journey as an artist here.
- I was featured in a new initiative called BoldJourney designed to help get the word out about great local businesses, artists and creatives. Here is the article:
I was featured along with the painting Blue Lily River in the December issue of DC Modern Luxury Magazine: This is the link.
- I was featured in the Local Stories section of Baltimore magazine in November 2022. Here is the story.
- I was featured as Artist of the Month in the April 2022 issue of Kensington Neighbors Magazine: Article (on page 14).
- I was interviewed in the Fall of 2021 in preparation for the McLean Project for the Arts Artfest in which I participated: Interview
My favorite quotes:
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. Van Gogh
It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child. Picasso
Everything you can imagine is real. Picasso
Since there is no such thing as absolute rightness and truth, we always pursue the artificial, leading, human truth. We judge and make a truth that excludes other truths. Art plays a formative part in this manufacture of truth. Gerhard Richter
The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, but it Bends Toward Justice. Martin Luther King
Les tableaux sont des miroirs magiques, dans lesquels, si l'on sait, en s'éloignant un peu, bien les regarder, d'importes parties de la réalité sont dévoilées. Marcel Proust
Each color lives by its mysterious life. Kandinsky
There is no must in art, because art is free. Kandinsky